time stopped, woot, lets fucking calculate
help me light the fuse
help me blow us up
help me destroy
help me create.
help me die trying
help me collect the crumbs.
help me glue them together.
help me fall
help me with a push
if this were a bucket, i would fill it up and then have to empty it again. and then attempt to fill it. and that's really what i'm doing, filling a bucket but it can only hold so much, you know? we are the sorry who spend our whole lives watching our bucket fill with the piss of generations and then too late notice our bucket is blessed with a hole and our feet are fucking soaked.
and i think my feet are dry, but i'm not sure.
help me dry my feet.
help me blow us up
help me destroy
help me create.
help me die trying
help me collect the crumbs.
help me glue them together.
help me fall
help me with a push
if this were a bucket, i would fill it up and then have to empty it again. and then attempt to fill it. and that's really what i'm doing, filling a bucket but it can only hold so much, you know? we are the sorry who spend our whole lives watching our bucket fill with the piss of generations and then too late notice our bucket is blessed with a hole and our feet are fucking soaked.
and i think my feet are dry, but i'm not sure.
help me dry my feet.