Monday, December 07, 2009

a new format lol

corner store burns to ground!
series of violence outbursts outlawed by teenagers
parents are on fire!
(they're not alone!)
manic household dreams gone awry!
death defying stuntman dies
the doom is everywhere if you open your eyes
sometimes you close them and type

is everything i'm creating good?
or bad?
could this even be considered creation?
what is the entire post was one audacious
attempt to control the spacing by whatev
means required by the editor (in this c
ase me) for no other purpose other tha
n to create a decline in the structur
e of the work. Would this not in tur
n, by its structure alone, lead you
to a conclusion at the end? It wou
ld have to conclude after all, fo
r soon there will be no room lef
t to add anything else. Perhaps
there is something else to say
, perhaps there's untold volu
mes of truly meaningful pros
e to fit into here, but may
be that's the point of the
format afterall. There is
nothing in the world whi
ch can be told. There i
s nothing in the world
which cannot be a lie
if nothing in the wr
itten realm can eve
r be finished. For
the format is a m
etaphor, and the
metaphor is a m
etaphor, a met
a-format, the
worst type o
f thing isn
't the end
but perso
nally I'
m afra
id of
my e


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