Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Interest in fire

move it on, move it down
perhaps its false to think that writing something everyday will change anything
but maybe the goal isn't change
but practice

and so it has been said that picasso learned to paint before
he became a cubist.
and mixed it up.
I guess it doesn't have any meaning without the former.
Maybe there's something to the former then, even as it grows.

Once cannot shred without first playing greensleeves.
so it goes.
if you can shred, without playing greensleeves.
you're kind of not shredding.

And authority i guess
it grants us these rules

this isn't a very fun conversation, i'm aware
it's not thought wrenching, provocation
but maybe i need to learn to be uninteresting

before i can be interesting.

if buildings had to be burnt before they could be
set fire to, what would that accomplish?

corinthians 15:50

I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.

For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."

Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?

or maybe this is your cup o tea

The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.

Monday, December 07, 2009

a new format lol

corner store burns to ground!
series of violence outbursts outlawed by teenagers
parents are on fire!
(they're not alone!)
manic household dreams gone awry!
death defying stuntman dies
the doom is everywhere if you open your eyes
sometimes you close them and type

is everything i'm creating good?
or bad?
could this even be considered creation?
what is the entire post was one audacious
attempt to control the spacing by whatev
means required by the editor (in this c
ase me) for no other purpose other tha
n to create a decline in the structur
e of the work. Would this not in tur
n, by its structure alone, lead you
to a conclusion at the end? It wou
ld have to conclude after all, fo
r soon there will be no room lef
t to add anything else. Perhaps
there is something else to say
, perhaps there's untold volu
mes of truly meaningful pros
e to fit into here, but may
be that's the point of the
format afterall. There is
nothing in the world whi
ch can be told. There i
s nothing in the world
which cannot be a lie
if nothing in the wr
itten realm can eve
r be finished. For
the format is a m
etaphor, and the
metaphor is a m
etaphor, a met
a-format, the
worst type o
f thing isn
't the end
but perso
nally I'
m afra
id of
my e

To the deceased

To drop a cherry on top of a delightful pie

fifty posts and not a ship worth sailing became more

But there's a dream! AH!
And where dreams lie, so do desires.
So I resolve to fix this
With better writings!
Less violence, more substance!
More violence! Less death!
More death! Less substance!

Triangles of perfection, substance, death, and violence
and cursing, oh god the cursing

The secret is to never stop typing
never stop typing and channel some really zealous emotion
hope you can find one...
if you can't you're in trouble.

Maybe that's why its been so long coming,
i like to postulate, but have no basis for postulation
for hypothesis for testing!
Maybe thats it
If you never stop typing, will something worthwhile arise?

it has to do with words like arise maybe
thats the key, strange words in strange places
like arise and key?
the key to a sun rise or something else that rises!
the living dead!
LO! they arise!

Zombies are far too common in this day and age.

Would thoreau write about zombies?

so a guy I knew died
in a shitty apartment
maybe drunk, i wouldn't know

Some act of desperation, not unlike thoreau

some final act of civil disobedience
or social mutiny.

I refuse to leave this house; you'll have to come and get me.

so that's kinda what happened; he was drug out dead.

I think we all wish we would of known, but we didn't.
so that is that, but its there.
This is more like a journal!
An online log
a blog.

Redaction, learned that at the house of blues.

Well, i know I don't have readers because there's no sense in reading

except as a milemarker, or a tombstone, or a waystone maybe.
I may spend too much time fantasizing. That may be true.
And when people you know start to die, you gotta snap out of it.

its time to stop being polite.
and start getting real.

I think that's the future right there.
metaphors involving the real world / road rules challenge.

If a generation is raised on shit
the only way to get their attention
is to serve them a shit sandwich?

man, remember me by that, will ya?

i wanna be the guy who made up that shit sandwich thing.

Let's make this more like a real journal:

oh shit, indentation
bam! outline format
I) Introduction
a) Introducments
II) Body
a)Body Parts
III) Conclusion
a) Concludaments

see what i did there? just disassembled the whole of western knowledge.


until next time faithful,

we're the wolves who don't know who Alf is
even though we watched the show
we didn't kill it, and we only know what we kill.

we're the feral ascendent.

at least when i freeze to death they'll be like
"did you read his blog, no wonder"

Sunday, December 06, 2009

i should scorn to shiver with terror at the thought of annihilation.

ah, quotes.