Friday, February 25, 2005

to them we are certainly something

i need a job writing shit on empty walls, burdening people with epitaphs they dont care to read. if everyone inhaled and exhaled darkness and light, we could solve pollution by killing moral ambiguity. grey thought would not be fit for consumption, and therefore frowned upon. Everyone and everything would be alive or dead, right or wrong, ugly or beautiful, happy or despairing. is that a world we would want to live in? the would-be revolutionaries would be those that dared to be average, to not care, to express apathy as an emotion. but if it were not simply an idealogical principle, if physics itself restricted grey thought, than we would have to interpret this as the plan of g-d. there is no substitute for the will of g-d when actions contrary kill your countrymen. if morals existed, there would be no room for failure. there would be consequences of the death sort to all that infringe. a celestial prison state. what would be the purpose though? of killing free thought? the death of the feral ascendent. stand and be counted wolves of nothing.


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